Lodge — Blog — Carbon Visuals

Talk to us about your environmental communication challenge


Creating visuals for policy impact: our client’s perspective

Our Communications Manager Anna Lodge spoke to Janet Salem, Programme Officer, Sustainable Consumption and Production with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. As our main contact within UNEP, Janet has had first-hand experience of collaborating with our creative team. So we thought we would ask Janet about this experience…

Look at the Earth - it is beautiful and empowering

Looking at the Earth can be an empowering experience: it can alter our sense of relationship with it and our role in protecting it. Earth Day is a celebration of the Earth but also of historic and continuing efforts to look after it. So this is a good moment to reflect on the importance of really engaging with the Earth

World Cup Carbon Emissions

Some offices organise a sweepstake for the World Cup. However, perhaps predictably (unlike the semi-final on Tuesday) we got interested in the associated emissions of this occasion. We started to think – what would the carbon story of a global event like this look like? Luckily we could turn to FIFA's own comprehensive calculations document to find out.

A One Ton Time Bomb

Ted Flanigan of EcoMotion contacted us at Carbon Visuals last year having seen one of our early images of a London Bus next to one metric tonne of Carbon Dioxide. At that point EcoMotion had recently designed and produced a giant inflatable representation of a ton of carbon dioxide. Over 31 feet in diameter, THE Ton is a gigantic air-filled ball. A dramatic sight, specifically designed to stimulate people into reducing their emissions.