Ozone interactives — Carbon Visuals

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Ozone interactives


United Nations Environment Program


To communicate and celebrate 30 years of international effort in protecting the ozone layer


Three ways to explore the actual distribution of ozone in the atmosphere and a way to visualise the impact of the Montreal Protocol.

One of the problems with talking about the ozone layer is that few people have a good sense of what it is actually like. Many people have conflicting ideas about ozone and the atmosphere and this confusion can prevent full engagement with the subject. Interactives support other media such as movies, text and images by giving people a way to answer their own questions about ozone as they arise. How thick is the ozone layer? Where is it? How smoothly is ozone distributed? Sometimes it is just more fun to play with data yourself than to watch a video.

The Ozone Globe

We have created an interactive and self-running globe that displays current ozone distribution and also celebrates each country’s ratification of the Vienna Convention and implementation of the Montreal Protocol.

Click here to visit the interactive Ozone Globe.

2D air map

This interactive 2D map of the atmosphere allows users to explore the distribution of ozone for themselves. Each white spot represents 10 billion billion billion molecules of ozone. It allows for questions to be raised, such as 'what effect does ozone have on atmospheric temperature?' or 'why does ozone sit where it does in the atmosphere?'. The buttons turn elements of the map on and off, and you can drag the map to explore vertically.

3D air map

This 3D map of the ozone layer shows a 20 km x 20 km area of land (centered over the peak of Mount Everest) and all the air above it extending to an altitude of 100 km (the edge of space). Each floating particle represents 10 billion billion billion molecules of ozone. The region marked in orange indicates the ozone layer.